Carlton FC’s smallest mega fans meet their heroes at Ikon Park


For Madison(9), India(7) and Mila(5) James, nothing could top having a day off from school on a cold Tuesday in July.

Or so they thought

As they bundled into the car from the Mornington Peninsula, this wasn’t going to be a usual Tuesday, as they were bypassing Kinder and heading straight to a different kind of ‘educational institution’ (just ask Dad Scott!); Carlton Football Club, to meet their heroes at Ikon Park!

Like most families, the James’ love for their beloved AFL team has been passed down the generations with Scott’s father Peter (an Ontime Family member for the past 26 years!) ensuring that Scott himself became a Blues supporter from an early age. And it seems the girls had no hesitation with dad’s choice in team after realising that their favourite, Patrick Cripps, was part of it.

We want to see Patrick Cripps!”, all three screamed with excitement!

And that they did!

As they walked off the track, the boys soon found out that what little Mia lacked in size, she made up for in confidence, armed with a silver texta and making sure EVERYONE signed her very special guernsey!!

After watching the boys do their drills with precision, it was time to take a behind the scenes tour of the Club itself, starting with the basketball court and fully equipped gym followed by a look at the two pool areas and movie room, all hidden inside the inner sanctum of Ikon Park.

Although Scott had to go back to work after (yet armed with some pretty solid bragging rights) and the girls headed back to Kinder (equipped with some pretty impressive new show and tell merchandise), it was definitely an experience they all won’t be forgetting anytime soon.

My whole life I’ve been a fan and to get to do something like this which you wouldn’t normally be able to, it’s amazing!” said Scott.

And as for the girls?

We met Patrick Cripps…It was the best!” they all said.

A big thank you to the Carlton Football Club for helping Ontime provide this opportunity for the very deserving James Family.

Written by Walter Scremin, CEO - Ontime Delivery Solutions.

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