Deliveries: putting your customer first

Customer First

By Walter Scremin, CEO Ontime Delivery Solutions.

One of the most powerful ways to retain customers is to put your customers first. Many organisations talk about doing this, but to put it into action requires genuine care, communication, and commitment.


For example, in B2B, how can you make your customer’s business better? Can you save them money? Help make them more efficient?

To follow through on this means you need to be prepared to leave some revenue on the table – it may be that a cheaper solution is the best option for your customer.

When you put customers first, care for your customers becomes part of your company’s DNA, influencing hiring decisions, your products and services, company culture, and your approach to innovation.

Communication is key, particularly in dynamically changing business environments. Its important customers can communicate with you honestly, and especially important that you can learn and respond.

This article is an expert from an article first published on

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